Step-by-Step Employee Experience Framework Guide

The Employee Experience Framework offers a structured approach for understanding how an employee feels about the company culture and their personal performance. Here's a step by step guide on employee experience framework you can use.

A Complete Guide to Employee Experience Framework (Step by Step)

Employee experience is an increasingly important part of managing an organization's bottom line. In today's increasingly competitive employment market, talented employees are the key to a successful workplace. Good hiring processes and policies are critical to building a strong workforce. Employee experience is a rapidly growing focus for companies that need to improve performance, leadership, service or innovation. Empirical evidence shows that employee experience has a positive impact on business results in every area. 

This article is about a framework that truly meets employees’ needs in the workplace. You will learn how to apply this framework by following a step-by-step process, from envisioning critical business challenges and goals through every phase of the design and implementation. You will also be able to select effective project plans and create an effective team for its execution. The result is that you delight your customers, meet or exceed organizational goals, achieve company values, improve employee engagement, reduce costly mistakes and increase profits.

Step 1: Understand the Employee Lifecycle

The employee lifecycle is a defined set of stages that employees go through during their employment. It includes:

  • Hiring and onboarding
  • Training
  • Performance management and development
  • Retention and exit

Each stage is unique and important to the overall experience of an employee. For example, hiring and onboarding are critical to setting the tone for a successful relationship with your new hires. And retention and exit is where you'll need to focus your attention if you want to ensure that your organization has enough talent to meet its needs.

Step 2: Identify The Various Moments And Touch Points Your Employees Go Through, Then Decide Which Ones You Want To Improve.

Now that you have an idea of where you're headed, map out all the touchpoints across your employee lifecycle. This includes everything from onboarding new hires to managing performance during their tenure at your company — and everything in between!

For example, when an employee starts working at your company, how do they go through the process of onboarding? Is it easy to find the right information and get started on their first day? Or do they feel lost and confused?

After they've been working at your company for a while, what is their experience like when they receive feedback on their productivity and performance ? Is there a clear process that helps them understand how they can improve? Or does it feel like an arbitrary process where managers just give feedback without any context or guidance?

As another example, consider how you expect employees to leave your company after resigning or being terminated. Are there clear steps for them to follow that make it easy for them to get everything in order and hit the ground running in their next job? Or does it feel like a long, drawn-out process where everyone involved has different ideas about what needs to happen and it's hard for employees to get answers about what's going on?

Step 3: Create A Set Of Principles That Are Tailored To Your Employees' Needs And Your Company's Culture.

Now that you've identified the areas where you want to make improvements, it's time to put together a set of principles for how to approach employee experience. These principles should be based on the results from step one and should clearly reflect your company's values and culture.

Principle 1: Employee Experience Is Not Just About the Workplace

A great place to start is by making sure you're working to improve the entire employee experience, not just the physical environment. This means focusing on things like job satisfaction, communication and performance management, as well as the physical workplace itself. It also means making sure that all of these efforts are tied back into one cohesive strategy so they're not competing against each other or creating confusion among employees.

Principle 2: The Company Culture Is Key To Success

In addition to having a strong strategy in place, it's important that everyone across your organization understands why this strategy matters. The best way to do this is by making sure that every team member knows about this strategy and has access to training materials so they can get up-to-date information on how their role fits into it

Step 4: Conduct Interviews With The Employees

When you're conducting a survey or interview, it can be easy to forget that you're not just collecting data; you're also developing relationships. You want to make sure that when you ask a question, you have an opportunity to collect useful feedback from your employees.

It is important to ensure that all of them are included in the process. This will help you understand their perceptions towards the company, its products and services, as well as their interactions with other colleagues.

Here are some tips for conducting effective employee interviews:

  • Ask open-ended questions and listen carefully for clues about what's going on at your company.
  • Encourage employees to share their ideas and thoughts about how things could be improved.
  • Don't be afraid to ask probing questions about specific topics if necessary.
  • Be sure to thank employees for their time and effort after each interview so they know their opinions are valued by management.
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Step 5: Pinpoint the right metrics to measure and how to do so.

Metrics are a key part of any employee experience framework, as they help you track your progress and understand what’s working and what’s not. The goal is to find those metrics that are relevant to your business, so you can measure whether or not your efforts are making an impact on the employee experience.

For example, if your goal is for employees to be engaged with their work, then an engagement metric might be: "the percentage of employees who say they are satisfied with their jobs." If your goal is for employees to feel appreciated by their managers, then an appreciation metric might be: "the percentage of managers who have received training in recognition."

In addition, it's also important that you take into account any other measures related to employee experience that may not fit within this framework but which nevertheless help paint a complete picture of what's going on inside your organization.

If your company is still not sure what to measure, here are some suggestions:

  • Employee engagement scores 
  • Employee retention rates
  • NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • Employee satisfaction survey results
  • Productivity
  • Mean time to resolution (MTTR) of customer issues
  • Customer engagement

Step 6: Run An Internal Communications Campaign.

You’ve created your employee experience framework and now it’s time to share it with your team. This is the most important step in the process. The goal is to get everyone on board with the new framework.

There are a few ways to do this:

  • Hold a meeting to introduce the framework and explain how you plan to use it.
  • Send an email to all employees explaining how they can use their experiences to improve the company’s employee experience framework.
  • Create videos or infographics that highlight what makes your company special, where you’re headed and why it matters for your team members (i.e., why they should care about improving the employee experience).

Step 7 : Educate Leaders And Managers On New Expectations.

Once people are aware about the new policies, start by educating leaders and managers on new expectations. They need to know what they're being held accountable for, which means they need clear expectations around how they are expected to interact with their teams and create an environment where they want to work.

Next, define the metrics you'll use to measure success. These metrics should align with your business goals and objectives, so you know how well you're doing at driving those outcomes through your team members' experiences. You might choose metrics such as employee satisfaction (e.g., employee engagement), productivity or retention rates as your key indicators of success for this initiative.

Finally, set goals and measure them against these metrics over time so that you can see  trends in how employees are feeling about working at your company and whether or not these changes correlate with other business outcomes.

Step 8 - Understand The End Results And Outcomes You Want To Achieve With Employee Experience

It’s important to start by defining what employee experience means for your business and identifying how it will help you achieve your goals as an organization. This might be something as simple as improving morale or it could be more complex like increasing recruitment rates or improving productivity.

Once you’ve defined what employee experience means for your organization, think about how it can help you achieve these goals and make sure they align with your overall mission statement and values. 

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Step 9 - Communicate The Results And Take Action

Share the results of the employee experience framework assessment with them. Discuss how they can use this information to improve their own experiences. Then, go through each of your areas of focus and discuss what they can do to make it better.

You might find that some aspects of your employee experience are already pretty good, while others need a lot of work. You might also find that some areas of focus don’t have much impact on employee performance or happiness at all. In either case, it’s important to talk about these things so everyone knows exactly where improvements need to be made.



With our step-by-step guide to employee experience framework, we hope you understand that just as much thought should be put into employee experience design as is placed on the customer experience. Implementing an employee experience framework is not a simple task. Employee experience is complex and requires ongoing tweaking to ensure employees stay motivated and engaged by their dashboard, culture, and of course their day-to-day work.

Bonus: Making regular team building activities part of your work culture is one of the greatest ways to improve employee experience and create cohesive teams. Partner with us to unleash the fullest potential of your team with the help of fun and engaging experiences 
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