A Guide To Crafting Captivating Communication

What underlies the success of each of these functions is the art of effective communication; for without it, no activity could ever be completed.

Several aspects come into effect when an organization function – these could range from developing a strategy to motivating employees or even selling to customers. What underlies the success of each of these functions is the art of effective communication; for without it, no activity could ever be completed. History has been witness to several companies that have had great offerings but lost out only on account of poor communication.

Ask the experts and they’ll tell you that a good reason for their loss was ineffective communication. At Trebound, we understand the different communication can make and are invested in helping you capitalize on its potential. Which is why we’ve collated a quick guide on how can ensure effective communication within your company:

Assess the communication:

The first step is to identify and analyze the kind of communication you need to send out to your employees. The reason for communication could range from something as important as a policy change to something as casual as informing them of a new printer being installed. You can develop a good communication plan only if you know what you want to communicate.

Identify the purpose:

Once you have assessed the communication you need to make, it is important to understand the purpose behind it. Is it to simply inform employees of a new initiative? Or is it to change a system or process at work? The ultimate purpose has a significant impact on developing the action plan that will lead to effective communication and therefore, a productive workforce.

Define the receivers and senders:

The next and most critical stage in the process of communication is identifying the receivers and senders the communication. Your audience will define the tone and medium of communication and will also help you identify who the message should come from. For example, if you are targeting the ground staff of your company, a message from the leadership can make a good impact.

Create the message:

Now that you have identified the essence, the receivers and the senders of communication, all you need to do is craft the message accurately. While creating the same, ensure that the subject matter is concrete, the message is concise and there is complete clarity in thought and expression.

Select the channel of communication:

The last but most important step in establishing great communication is selecting the right channel. Jay Zaremba conducted a study among 140 people which revealed that 40% of communication problems are on account of poor access while 32% relate to the channel of communication selected. It is therefore quintessential to think through the approach you decide to use to get your message across. These could include mailers, meetings or calls. Alternatively, you could adopt a marketing strategy if the communication so demands.

One another aspect that you need to consider for all communication is that of ethics. Are you willing to lie for better impact or result? Or would you rather stick to factual arguments and discussions? Whatever your choice, your communication process can define your company, its values, and principles. And it, therefore, commands a good deal of thought and effective implementation.


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