Fixing Employee Relationship Mistakes: 8 Common Errors

A successful company will have well-handled employee relationship management. Let's look at eight common mistakes that affect your employee relations.

8 Common Mistakes Companies Make In Employee Relationship Management And How To Fix Them

A successful company will have well-handled employee relations management. After all, leaders cannot forget that their employees are the lifeblood of your organization. But if you don't manage to build strong relationships with them, this could result in a low work environment and low productivity. This is not good for business. Your top talent will continue to leave you.

Let's look at common mistakes that damage employee relations in every organization,

1. Playing favourites

It is an obvious reason to demoralize an entire team when an employer treats a person as their favourite.

Not treating everyone equally at work will only create a work environment filled with jealousy, resentment, and opportunities that are only limited to few employees. This does not only limit individual employee growth but will also hurt your organization's growth.

2. Lack of communication

Lack of streamlined communication is one of the biggest obstacles to building powerful workplace relationships. Communication breakdowns can make teammates feel disconnected due to all the misunderstandings and bad attitudes. This has a harsh impact on teamwork and productivity.

Communication is crucial to maintain healthy relationships with your employees. Be present. Make sure you are available to your employees. Be easy to reach.

Good communication at work provides employees with the transparency they need. It helps them to understand their role and makes them feel that you trust them.

3. Micromanaging

This is one of the most destructive practices of any organization because it wastes both parties' time. It is common for a leader to micromanage.

Employees then become disengaged, and their work suffers, which in turn leads to more micromanagement. This creates a vicious cycle that affects employee productivity and reduces employee satisfaction at work.

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4 . Blame games and politics

Such behaviours are unproductive and cause a breakdown in the relationships between the employees. At work, backbiting must be prohibited. Make sure you avoid an environment where your teammates get into arguments and make unfounded criticisms at work. Respect your team members. Be kind to every employee and avoid conflicts by promoting good relationships and harmony at the workplace. You must ensure that the superiors and the team don't try dominating their team members.

5. Hide the bigger picture from your employees

Employees who feel a sense of purpose in their work are more likely than others to enjoy the job and to take pride in what they do. Dan Pink describes it in his book 'Drive'; one of the three motivators that drive us is the purpose.' Employees should feel that what they are doing is important.

They should feel part of something larger than themselves. Share the long-term vision and frequently communicate with employees if you want to inspire passion.

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6. Not creating a safe space to express their ideas.

You want employees to feel included in the team and part of the decision-making process. Make sure your employees feel welcomed to share their ideas. Try some virtual team-building activities that increase trust between teammates in the remote workplace as it is a good practice for everyone to share their ideas without any inhibitions. Be prepared to implement some ideas. Don't collect ideas to have them, as this will lead to even more negative outcomes.

7. Lack of appreciation or rewards for hard work

Your employees work hard for your company. They are the backbone of your company and help you succeed. Your appreciation can make them feel happy and motivated. Lack of appreciation demotivates your employees and keeps them disengaged at work in the long run.

8. Thinking about work culture is all about perks and benefits.

Work culture is more than just about benefits and perks.

An organization's culture isn't about what perks or benefits you have. It's more about how your people interact with each other. To keep it simple, fostering an environment that encourages and supports each other is a way to increase employees' loyalty and motivate them to be their best.

To sum it up : 

It's time you put an end to all these costly mistakes that affect the organization. Managers have to lead by example, so that sets the right environment for your team to follow. Employee relationship management can be achieved by fostering organic relationships between employees.

As leaders, you should take initiatives like online team building sessions that encourage team bonding, collaboration and communication between remote employees in the current crisis. Building strong teams with a great work culture is the heart of great employee relationship management.

Here’s a Bonus!

Download our Free E-book on "5 Virtual Team Building Activities For Remote Employees" that has helped employees from various organizations to work better and bond together in a virtual workspace. Plus, they are ultimately fun and impactful!

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