Leadership in Crisis: Responding to the Covid-19 Outbreak

As brands are put on a test amid the global Covid-19 pandemic and are confused about how to handle the current crisis, the coronavirus is turning into a critical

How Great Leaders Act In The Time Of A Crisis: 

Responding To The Covid-19 Outbreak And Preparing Beforehand For Any Uncertainties

As brands are put on a test amid the global Covid-19 pandemic and are confused about how to handle the current crisis, the coronavirus is turning into a critical leadership test where brands are competing to not lose sight and experiencing unbelievable disruptions.

We come up with strategies that a true leader would perform during such a crisis. Finding your purpose would help your business keep going during these circumstances.

It's critical for businesses and team leaders to look down upon their employees, keep them focused on the purpose, make them feel connected, and keep them motivated. This is the opportunity to cease and prepare your employees in time for the emerging uncertainties.

As Brian Tracy said, 

“The True Test of Leadership Is How Well You Function in A Crisis.”

Showing Trust And Compassion: Being Present Even Though You’re Distant

The coronavirus has created a drastic change in how companies are working. This is the time to take a step forward and interact with your employees more personally so that they have trust in your company and can feel secured about their jobs. To see how the employees are handling this unique environment, you can conduct regular check-ins not only to see how they work but also at the cost of their health and well- being. Just asking them compassionately “How are you doing” won’t take much of your time. Encouraging them to take breaks and reminding them about their potential will make them feel connected and not distant even when you are miles away. Now the current situation presents a responsibility for us to act and make mental well-being a focus along with the employee’s health and safety.

Emphasize Empathy Instead Of Persuasion

With the increasing population losing their jobs and the rapid decline seen in the economy, the attention goes to the businesses as to how they are creating value and showing empathy towards their community and not just focusing on getting profits. During such a crisis it becomes important to restructure strict policies and make your stakeholders feel more assured and comfortable. You need to listen to what your employees and customers need right now and make a focused approach on that basis so they feel secured and confident. Brands are now looked upon by how much they are contributing to society and listening to the people.

This is a good time to review your travel, sick leave, and remote working policies. Communicating with your employees regularly and showing empathy during this time of crisis will make you go a long way. Your brand will be remembered long even after the crisis has ended.

>> Here are a few virtual team building ice-breaker games to stay connected with your team.

Being resilient: Compelling Confidence In Your Employees

As Robinson said 

“A resilient leader has an eye on the longer-term picture. A resilient leader is responsive, not simply reactive.”

This is the time leaders can act and remove the increasing fears and anxiety their employees have. No one will follow a leader who is uncertain about how things will turn out. A resilient leader who knows how to face challenges even during the time of a crisis can create hope inside the employees for a better future. This can make them inclined towards the goal and unite them as a team to face all the occurring challenges. Having confidence doesn’t only mean a single person speaking but it involves everyone’s ideas and perspectives so it is a good idea to seek input from everyone equally. Meanwhile, they will appreciate being involved and the outcome will even be better as you will have a diversity of viewpoints.

Now is the time you can make a difference by stepping forward, using these strategies will help your business derive new meaning and your employees would want to be a part of this change and will be more confident in facing the upcoming challenges.


We would love to hear from you about how these strategies change the way your team functions.

Do not hesitate in writing to us at connect@trebound.com with your results or any queries you have. Also, you can also take a look at our Virtual Team Building Activities ideas to make your virtual team calls more fun and interactive.


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