Competitor's Success: 9 Employee Wellness Program Wins

Employee wellness programs are becoming increasingly creative and employee-focused. Stay on top by understanding these 9 examples of employee wellness programs that companies around the world have implemented for their employees.

Top 9 Examples Of Employee Wellness Programs That Are Paying Off For Your competitors

Employee wellness programs are becoming increasingly creative and employee-focused. As an organization, your employees are your most valuable resource. After all, they are the ones who implement the processes and drive results. And their health and well-being is of utmost importance to the company’s growth.

Workplace wellness programs have become a top priority for many organizations as they not only help in fostering a healthy workplace but also serve as a competitive advantage when it comes to retaining best talent in the long run.

Here's A List Of 9 Examples Of Employee Wellness Programs That Companies Around The World Have Implemented For Their Employees

1. Paid Day Off For Employee Birthdays

Who wouldn’t want an extra day off to celebrate their birthday? Some companies give employees free time off to commemorate their birthdays; others treat it as an obligation. That said, while many employers consider employee birthdays to be a hassle,  they should recognize the significance of that time period—not only for individuals but also for their family members who are celebrating alongside them!

There are some companies that celebrate their employees' birthdays with 2 paid days off, on employees birthday and the next day.  Studies show that this leads to improved work performance and overall happiness. It also gives your employees time to enjoy some time away from work with their loved ones. 

2. Connected Data Rewards Program

Fitness tracking is one of the leading forms of wellness technology. By connecting employee fitness data to your company’s goals, you can launch a progressive and effective rewards program to incentivize employees to earn points based on their activity levels. 

You can reward both the people with the highest weekly point totals and those with the most consistent point totals—or give a prize each month or quarter. Prizes could include gift cards, cash bonuses, paid vacation days or even extra time off work for staying active during lunch hours.

3. Unexpected Freebies After Work Hours

Employees like getting free stuff. It’s a fact! So why not make it part of your wellness program? Giving out freebies is super easy, and you can get as creative as you’d like with the types of gifts your employees receive. For example, at Allied Health in Cincinnati, employees are given $50 gift cards to Whole Foods every month. Some companies even give away things like vacations or puppies! The possibilities are endless.

The freebies don’t have to be distributed on a schedule either. You can just pull names from a hat periodically, or surprise employees with unexpected gifts during their workday breaks. This way there’s no pressure for the giveaways to happen on a set date (which is a relief for managers), and employees still get to enjoy fun surprises throughout the year. Plus, who doesn't want a surprise freebie every now and then?

4. Company-Wide Volunteering Days

There’s a type of wellness program that's good for the community and your business: team volunteering. An easy way to incorporate this idea into your organization is by finding a local charity to support. One company we know has organized programs with Habitat for Humanity, which not only builds camaraderie in the office, but also contributes to the community at large.

Not every employee might want to build houses for those in need, though—which is why it helps if you give yours some say in what organizations they donate their time and talent to. We've seen another firm ask employees what charities are important to them and then create an employees-only voting system that lets them choose which one will be supported that quarter or year.

Again, while these initiatives do cost money, they're not just a way to show employees you care; they can lead to financial gains as well. Research shows that companies that encourage volunteering have been known to see higher employee retention than those who don't consider charity work part of their culture (by as much as 60 percent).

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5. Fitness Stipend Instead Of Gym Membership

In a world where it’s increasingly difficult to find a job that pays well and offers benefits, some companies are looking to stand out by offering perks like gym memberships. That’s great if you need — or want — a full-service gym with fancy equipment, but what if your fitness needs are simple? Do you really need the treadmill with all of its bells and whistles? No. Instead, try getting a fitness stipend. You could use it to pay for a gym membership. Or, you could use it to buy fitness equipment for your home (think: kettlebells, foam rollers, jump ropes). Or perhaps there is a fitness class at your local community center that you’ve always wanted to try (Zumba anyone?). The possibilities are endless when you have the freedom to choose how you spend your money instead of relying on one option.

6. Weekly Meal Delivery 

As the world becomes more and more time-crunched, employees have less and less time to prepare delicious, nutritious meals. In response to this, many companies are now offering a weekly meal delivery service as part of their wellness program.

Of course, not all meal delivery services are created equal; you’ll want to choose one that offers local sustainable ingredients if possible. The service should also be flexible. Some will deliver fresh prepped ingredients with instructions on how to cook them at home. Others will deliver fully cooked meals for reheating in the microwave or oven throughout the week. Both options work well for employees who enjoy cooking versus those who do not (respectively). You’ll want to offer your employees the option of which service they prefer—and ideally allow them to switch from one option to another as needed since people’s schedules change over time.

To encourage employees to use their free meal delivery service, reimburse them for any prep time it takes during their workweek! We recommend 2 hours per month for each employee participating in the program (more if it’s an especially hectic week!).

7. Stress Management Programs

Stress is one of the biggest drains on employee productivity, not to mention the hidden costs it presents in terms of health care claims and sick days. There are many stress management techniques you can teach staff through company wellness programs, such as mindfulness meditation or good time management habits.

Stress management programs for employees can help reduce employee turnover, improve productivity, and even lower health care costs. Your wellness program doesn't have to be complicated or expensive, as long as you are providing a range of options to meet the different needs of your employees. You could offer yoga session or mediation subscriptions or reimburse fitness classes and encourage healthy habits through an internal newsletter or blog.

8. Team Building Activities

Encouraging team building activities is one of the best ways to make a company culture thrive. Team activities create strong connections between your employees and are a great way to increase trust and collaboration among your team. It also prevents feelings of isolation among remote workers by helping them feel part of the company culture.

By bringing people together, you create positive relationships that can then extend into the workplace. Plus, team-building activities are really fun and an easy way to get everyone involved.

Also Read: What Are The Learning Outcomes Of Corporate Team Building Activities?

9. Financial Wellness Programs

Employees are increasingly looking for financial wellness programs from their employers, according to a recent study. In fact, 47% of employees say they would consider leaving their job if their employer didn’t offer financial wellness benefits. These types of programs help them make smart financial decisions that will help them now and in the future.

Financial wellness programs can include everything from retirement planning workshops, gamified simulations on financial training to student loan repayment benefits. It’s also important to offer access to financial resources like emergency savings funds or no-interest loans through a benefit like Even Financial Wellness, which provides employees with much-needed access to money when they need it most.


In light of this, employers should be proactive in planning their own wellness programs and take every step possible to help boost employees' overall well-being. By creating a corporate wellness program that takes into account many factors unique to an individual's personal situation can help the company’s growth altogether.

We've picked out 9 best examples of employee wellness programs for you, and we encourage you to take a closer look to see which ones can best be applied to your own workplace.

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