Materials Required:
- Assorted junk or recycled materials (e.g., cardboard, plastic bottles, metal cans, rubber bands)
- Basic tools (e.g., scissors, tape, markers, glue)
- Presentation materials (e.g., flipcharts, whiteboards, projectors)
- Evaluation criteria or rubric for judging products and pitches
Pre-Activity Briefing:
- Explain the objectives and rules of the Junkyard Sales challenge
- Demonstrate examples of successful product ideas or pitching techniques
- Emphasize the importance of teamwork, communication, and time management
Team Formation and Ideation:
- Divide participants into teams (if not pre-assigned)
- Allow teams time to brainstorm and ideate product concepts
- Encourage teams to assign roles and responsibilities (e.g., product design, marketing, technology)
Product Development:
- Provide teams with the designated junk materials and basic tools
- Guide teams through the process of developing their products
- Encourage teams to consider factors such as functionality, practicality, and marketability
- Facilitate communication and collaboration within teams and among subteams