5 best leadership books to reboot your business in 2021

Crisis leadership can be intimidating. Here are 5 must-read leadership books in 2021 while you are trying to reboot your business from the pandemic.

5 best leadership books to reboot your business in 2021

Imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to start working and then fall asleep with a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. This is not a crazy idealized notion of an imaginary utopia of virtual teams. But can happen in reality too. To make this possible in your virtual workspace even in crisis, it needs great leadership.

This pandemic has touched all businesses. If you are someone who just started reading in this pandemic or someone who reads regularly. The following books are the must-reads in 2021 while you are trying to reboot your business.

Go ahead and check out the following 5 books to broaden your spectrum of leadership to deal with any crisis.

1. The infinite game: 

Simon Sinek, the master of leadership lessons, author of 5 famous books. In games, like football or chess, the players are known, the rules are fixed, and the endpoint is clearly known. So these are finite games The winners and losers are easily identified. But business is an infinite game says, Simon. He now believes that the ability to adopt an infinite mindset is a prerequisite for any leader who aspires to leave their organization in better shape.

In infinite games, like business or politics or life itself, the players come and go, the rules are changeable and flexible depending on various factors and there is no definite endpoint. There are no winners or losers in an infinite game; there is only moving ahead and lagging behind.

2. Drive: 

You can't motivate people just with money. Do, it doesn't last long. If you believe you can do so, then it is a mistake, says the author Daniel Pink.

This book unravels the surprising truth behind what motivates you. The drive is built on leaders finding creative ways to tap into deep-seated desires. The need to be autonomous in work, get better at what we do and find greater purpose in life. This book is a great read for HR leaders as well as employees if you are struggling to increase employee engagement.

3. Conscious leadership: 

Elevating humanity through business -as follow up to whole foods CEO John Mackey with his co-authors explains a framework on how leaders drive change in society through the vision, virtues, and mindset that have informed Mackey’s own leadership journey. This book provides a clear roadmap for innovative, value-based leadership—in business and society.

John Mackey, the author of this book started a movement when he founded Whole Foods, bringing natural, organic food to the masses and not only changing the market but breaking the mold.

Every chapter in this book makes you question your conventional business wisdom, through anecdotes, case studies, and profiles of highly conscious leaders.

This book culminates a good call to action for entrepreneurs making this book a must-read for all the emerging as well as leaders.

 Must read: Did Pandemic change your workspace routine affecting your productivity?

4. Leading without authority:

How the new power of co-elevation can break down silos, transform teams and reinvent collaboration.

The title of the book might surprise you. But all managers must understand, that It's definitely not the authority that makes you a leader.


Now diving into the essence of the book..

“In the times of stress, we have two choices to choose from: we can retreat further into our isolated silos or can commit to growing together.”

In this book, the author explains a new principle called co-elevation a model on collaborative work backed up by research. This book aims to help leaders build teams that trust each other. The author also explains how to improve the performance of the whole organization by co-elevating the tribe means going higher together.

5. Clear closer better: 

How successful people see the world?

How many times have you failed to meet the goals that you have set?

For most of us, there is a huge gap between these two things.

This is not only for people willing to lead but also everyone that aspires to achieve their best self.

Award-winning scientist Emily Balcetis explains how successful people see the world so differently. And this brings to the new term he uses in the book called the "perception gap". He says how anyone of us can leverage this "perception gap" to our advantage. In this book, the author explains the unique accounts of perpetual habits, routines, and practices that successful people use to set and meet their ambitions.

Through several case studies of entrepreneurs, athletes, artists, and celebrities and her own experience, she brings 4 powerful yet largely untapped visual tactics that can be applied according to the situation. 'Clearer, closer, better' will help you unleash the new possibilities within you by taking advantage of visual experiences.

They are as follows :

  • Narrow your focus
  • Widen your bracket
  • Materialize your plan and your progress
  • Control your frame of reference

Dealing with the pandemic crisis has been intimidating for the business world and employees with huge setbacks across their path. But this crisis has also evolved each of us by helping us unleash our true potential by understanding the need for continuous learning.


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