Virtual Team Building: Essential for Strong Remote Teams

Virtual team building activities are designed to enhance the coordination and bonding in remote employees in this work from home era.

Building strong remote teams: why virtual team building is the need of hour.

Why is team building important?

Team building is more than just having fun!

When a sports team wins a championship, the players and coaches often say that playing together as a team is the key to their win.

"Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships."

The saying holds in the business world as well. Employees are great assets to any business, and when they work together as a strong team, organizations become more successful.

Strong teams don't just happen by hiring intelligent employees. They need to be built through activities designed that bring employees together, communicate better, and collaborate.

Fun is sometimes ignored but it is always an important aspect in Team building, because fun activities help people see each other in a different light without any inhibitions and allow them to connect better in a different setting.

Why is the need for virtual team building greater now than ever?

Remote working leaves employees with feelings of loneliness, stress and out-of-the-loop, especially when after-work activities and connections are limited. As a result, they are almost absent without a bit of extra effort.

We all know how difficult it is to tell what your remote employees are struggling with when you can only see their head and shoulders on a video call.

This situation demands extra one to one conversations, casual fun group chit chat, and carefully crafted team building sessions to engage the remote teams and turn them into high performing teams.

Amidst all the chaos, the importance and the purpose of virtual team building is to create strong and high performing teams through forming bonds and deeper connections. Team building has many benefits; they include increased communication, high employee engagement, good planning skills, employee motivation, team bonding, increased productivity, and employee collaboration.

Now let's look at the benefits of team building and why it is the best investment for your organization.

To be more specific, let's take a deep dive into why virtual team building sessions work by understanding all the benefits online team building has to offer.

Important benefits of virtual team building sessions: 

1. Team bonding: 

Virtual team building activities are designed to enhance the team's coordination and bonding. This will help them work even better together on future projects that are critical to the organization. It's hard to bond when you only meet on zoom for scheduled work meetings. Your workplace is common to all members of the team. Opening up to each other, sharing a laugh, having fun while switching out of work can tie the employees that comprise your remote workspace together as a strong team.

You may like seven surprising ways to keep the fun alive in your remote team.

2. Develops trust

Teams can't function without trusting each other. But an unbreakable trust is only formed when team members can rely on each other without any insecurities and inhibitions to do the right thing. There are online team building activities that help your team exclusively in building trusting teams. In these online team activities, Teams have to get divided and work on individual tasks hoping to fall on the winning side. In addition, sharing experiences and opening up with your teams increases the trust among each other and helps build deeper relationships with them.

3. Enhances communication

Communication is the main key in workplace relations and is paramount in collaboration. But communication in the remote world due to the current crisis is becoming very challenging. Remote employees can communicate better using virtual team building activities. Team building sessions provide a platform to share common interests, break the ice, and help every employee make little efforts to keep up the fun alive and communicate better with their teammates. 

4. Planning skills 

Planning skills are most important for any business or profession. Online team activities help your remote teams to plan and use the time wisely and focus on one task at a time. They also promote unconventional thinking, collaboration, entrepreneurship, and teamwork. Team building activities provide a platform to unleash and develop their planning skills. Teammates have to figure out what needs to be done. First, they will have to plan how they would execute this as there is a time limit. Then, they need to plan to complete the tasks within the given time as fast as possible without making any errors to be a winning team. Planning helps in tasks and projects where they need to figure out how to complete the task so that excess time is not wasted and the final outputs can be achieved in the best possible way.

5. Decision-making 

Sometimes employees' work involves activities that need accurate, quick, and the most appropriate decisions. The members have to come up with the best solution through correct and unanimous decisions. Sometimes, the decisions approved may not have been initially agreed upon by a few members, but they need to understand that it is difficult to account for all their ideas. Be it online or offline; team building sessions add the value of decision making to the team.

6. Drive to achieve more 

Everyday motivation drives each employee to do more. But with the challenges of work from home, that drive to more is decreasing, which can be seen in the lack of productivity caused in the current times. But when team members overcome the challenges together, teams will realize that working together is a motivational factor to overcome the challenges. Therefore, they need to go in the direction with the same determination to achieve the ultimate unanimous goal in team-building activities. 

7. Better collaboration

This goes without saying. Team activities improve the ability to prioritize, plan and execute better working together. This will ultimately increase team collaboration and increase the quality of work done and the quantity of the work they can get done as spare time is no longer wasted. When teams function like well-oiled machine, the success of the organization is inevitable. This reflects in their work as there is a cohesiveness and ease structured in the team that helps them work flawlessly and more efficiently as a unit rather than working as individuals.

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8. Leadership

The team members need to take ownership of the tasks to become a high performing team. Every member is better at something. When it comes to their particular talent or skill, they should choose their path to get there while also leading others. There are team activities particularly designed so that it is easy to understand the intricate leading abilities of the members. 

9. Problem-solving

Activities are a great way for employees to understand and simplify problem-solving. Team building activities help get the members familiar with the dynamics of problem-solving and get an idea of where everybody lies in this situation. It can also be seen which team member would be better for solving a particular kind of problem. At work, there are always going to be problems that require analytical thinking. Because to solve a problem is first completely to understand it to find a solution.

10. Time management

We all have had a tough time in keeping with the deadlines. Time management is very crucial to every employee ranging from low-level to c-suite employee. With work from home, managing time becomes more important with the distractions and situations around us. Virtual team building enables members to manage and plan to complete as fast as possible to become a strong winning team. In the process, they learn to manage time better, and this will also reflect in their work when the members are more acquainted with managing to produce the best work in the least time.

Virtual team building also boosts creativity, productivity and provides satisfaction to the employees. We recommend you to invest time and effort in building strong remote teams.

Contact us, together let's design a virtual team building sessions customized for your team needs.

Join the crew of 10,000+ employees that have reaped the benefits of team building activities with us.


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